Sunday, December 6, 2015

Thanksgiving Running

For Thanksgiving weekend, we drove up to Northern Lower Michigan to visit some great friends. Since we're also trying to get back on track, and start training for real, (we've been phoning it in pretty terribly since a crappy marathon last May) we got up and went for a lovely three mile run. Seriously, can it get much more beautiful than this?

I'm posting this a week later, during which we have had mixed results in actually getting back on track. Work has been crazy for me the last few months, and running/sleeping like a normal person/eating rationally/pretty much everything has suffered as a result. Fortunately, my challenging schedule will get back to normal in another 1-2 weeks, right in time for us to get our crap together before the holidays. It couldn't happen at a better time, since we currently have the following items upcoming on our schedules:
      1. 10k snowshoe race at the end of January
      2. Century bike ride at the beginning of June (on our honeymoon!)
      3. A half marathon at high elevation (also on our honeymoon!!)  
      4. A half ironman at the end of August
      5. A full ironman in October (just Mike for this one, that business is too crazy for me).
So....yeah. Time to get our crap in order. For real. Happy running (and spinning, and swimming)!!
